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Gameplay metrics: game design's best kept secret?
Some notes on narrative design
Bookmarks for January 19th through February 3rd
Observations on Lego Star Wars
The 90-9-1 Principle explained
Masocore Games
Fairway Solitaire: The End
Usability and accessibility
Emotion Engineering in Videogames by Stephane Bura
My progress in Assassin's Creed
The usability testing on Halo 3
Balance of Power book by Chris Crawford finally available again
Three hundred mechanics, with comics on the side
On Team Fortress 2 and Portal
The forgotten genre of the submarine simulation
What to do if you don't have a game designer on your team
Why game design is important
Surreal Game Design: a group blog on game design
Study proves violent video games make women smarter
Regarding The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Checkers has been 'solved'
More complete, produced game design documents
AIIDE 2007 proceedings
More on Aufbaustrategiespiele
Ubisoft buys Sunflowers: Commentary
Complete, produced game design documents
Emotional input
Short feedback loops
GDC 2004: Game Design Methods of ICO
Breaking the fourth wall
Chris Crawford
Ideology not installed
Innovative games
Making sense
Ion Storm update
On with the show
Social mobiles
Interactive storytelling galore
The level 32 warrior has no clothes
Collaborative filtering to encourage roleplaying in MMOs
A new blog, an old question
Battle of Helm's Deep: game technology